I'm a sappy, simple soul. Let's just get that out there now. On this Valentine's Day, I thought it only fitting that I share my "LOVES LIST".
Ahem, in no particular order:
1. The good old church hymns. I'm talking the ones EVERYBODY knows the words to. How Great Thou Art, Amazing Grace, What a Friend We Have in Jesus, Come Thou Fount. Boy, there's not much more of a sweet sound than to hear one of these babies being cranked out on the organ with a church full of singers. {I come from a family of singers and there's not a one of these songs that doesn't stir up some memories of special people in my life.}
2. Homemade pizza. My husband makes THE BEST homemade pizza. My absolute fav including homemade dough and toppings {oodles of cheese, really} galore. On Valentine's Day he makes heart-shaped; St. Pat's Day he makes green pizza. The food, and the break from cooking, is mmm good.
3. The idea of reading. I'll be honest, I don't do nearly the reading I would like. Life is happening and kids ranging from ages 11-4 fill my time. Someday is good enough.
4. Flea Markets. This is a big ol' duh! I LOVE them--and auctions too! For me it's the thrill of the hunt & then finding something so incredibly unique that you just have to have. On a recent trip to Galena, we scavenged antique shops finding spritz cookie makers and a shop keeper's bell. (I'm collecting a spritz maker for each one of our kids. You would have thought we struck gold when we discovered our treasures. And, the ability to negotiate the price? Even better! Who doesn't love feeling like you just scored a great deal?
5. Coffee. I'm being real here...not just coffee, I need creamer. Perhaps I enjoy the creamer more than the coffee? {I should add a cold beer on a hot summer day would rate right up there on my list too. SHH.}
6. Easter morning. Have you ever taken a moment to look at the people who surround you at the crack of dawn on Easter morning? It's pure joy, happiness, celebration. Two thumbs up.
7. The Hallmark Channel. This may be the point in the list where I start to embarrass myself. I'm such a sap--I love the feel good, movies on Hallmark. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's Day-- I watch them all. From October to February I've always got one playing in the background. Over and over again we watch until even the kids notice that "we've already seen this one".
8. I love being a mom. {Shout out to ALL my family & husband...I love you ALL but with fear of being too wordy, I thought I better focus on my mom role.} My childhood dream was to be a mom. During high school and college I remember feeling frustrated that I didn't have a passion for any particular profession. I just never did have any academic area speak to me like so many other friends that surrounded me had. I knew I wanted to be a mom. And, I know this will make some people groan, {my apologies}, I even loved being pregnant. 4 pregnancies and not one day of morning sickness. From the little tummy kicks to having a baby and then 10 minutes later telling yourself you'd do it all over again in a heart beat is a pure miracle. God bless the mamas and the papas (those blessed already and those still trying). And now, I enjoy watching their little personalities and talents unfold. No greater job. I love it.
9. Sitting under string lights on a summer evening. Love those rare nights when all is calm and right in the world and the mosquitos haven't found our location.
10. The Christmas-y feeling. (Rethinking this post title to "Sappy Much?") But seriously, I love the attitude around Christmas time. Most smiles aren't forced, people are friendlier, more approachable, and in the giving spirit. I would be remiss if I didn't mention Christmas music--"O Holy Night", sung by my dad. Christmas Eve--goose bumps.
11. Pinterest. A blessing or a curse? I love the collection of creativity, the fun artsy products, the cool finds and spot-on ideas. Yet, if I spent a little less time on Pinterest I may have more time in my life for #3.
12. New writing utensils. <3 Who gets me on this one? Am I right? No explanation needed.
So, there you have it; a list of a few of my loves. Not an exhaustive list by any means but a few of the finer things I love. Do share, what are some of your loves?
Much love on this Vday, friends.
{Farmer Wave}
*Update--puppies, a lake day, fresh garden salsa , cuddling & flannel sheets are all worthy of a mention here too.